Friday 26 July 2013


So the first year at Abbeyfield for 7DJD has come and gone. It has been a great first year for the tutor group. Quiet, shy and nervous new Year 7 students in September 2012, have turned into confident, assured and successful students by the end of the year.

I have enjoyed my time as Form tutor, but alas all good things must come to an end. As you know, as of September 2013, I will be Director of Sixth form at Abbeyfield. As a result, I will no longer be a form tutor.

I am sure that you will all go from strength to strength and I look forward to seeing you around the place and hearing how you are getting on in Year 8.

Have a great summer

Mr Drake

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Term 5 - Creativity

The topic in Year 7 this term is Creativity

Take a look at the topic overview here:

Sustainability assembly

On Tuesday 30th April we presented our sustainability assembly. This took a lot of preparation and involved the whole tutor group.

They did a great job. Included in the assembly was our very own song, composed by Mrs Jobbins and sung by the tutor group.

Take a look and join in here:

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Abbeyfield - Red Nose Day World Record Attempt: Sit down Zumba

Who is involved?
We need everyone to take part.  This means all support staff, teaching staff and basically anyone who is on site Friday afternoon.

What record will we break?
It is red nose day so we picked something a bit silly.  We will attempt to break the record for the most people taking part in a sit down exercise.

At 2pm (end of lunch), students will return to their tutor bases to don red noses.  They will be called down to the hard standing area (Year 7 playground) one year group at a time.  They will need to bring their chair with them and they will be directed to their spot in front of the mound.
At 2.20pm we will commence with a practice run through
At 2,30pm we will complete the video attempt
At 2.45pm all students will return to tutor bases, dismissed one year group at a time

Can students wear non school uniform?
For the day students can wear non uniform, but they must wear items in their house colours e.g. ties, socks etc.  Students maybe in fancy dress- but must follow the colours.  £1 donation collected by tutors.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Term 4 - Balance

This term, students in Year 7 will be focusing on the topic of Balance in many of their lessons. See how the topic will be embedded in the different subjects involved this term:

Thursday 7 February 2013

Ice skating trip

As you may already be aware, I have managed to reschedule the Ice skating trip for the tutor group. The trip will take place on Tuesday 26th February 2013. Leaving school at 3:15pm and returning around 7pm.

A letter was given to students last week and replies must be received by Tuesday 19th February.

Any questions, please email me

Friday 18 January 2013

LATEST NEWS - School closure today

Abbeyfield School is officially CLOSED to all students (except those taking exams) today Friday 18th January 2013 due to adverse weather conditions - Mr Nicholson has just confirmed:

School closed except for public examination candidates Friday 18 January 2013

After assessing the current weather situation, and the up to date forecast for this morning, in consultation with the other schools in Chippenham, I have made the decision to close the school today.  This is due the extremely hazardous conditions for the travel to school period and because the forecast heavy snow would make it impossible to keep the site safe for staff and pupils.

I am also concerned that, in worsening weather conditions, if school was open students may not then be able to get home safely.

I know that closing the school has a significant impact on parents, and I do not make this decision lightly, but the students' safety to me is paramount.

The students taking public examinations should come to school as advised.  Our site staff will try to keep a path clear from that entrance to the Main Reception, but please take extreme care.

Arrangements have been made to clear the snow once it has stopped in anticipation of opening again on Monday, however if there are any changes I will let you know on the website.

D. Nicholson

Hopefully see you on Monday. If you take some good snow pictures, email them to me